Pee nine hundred blogs

So while I’ve been unable to get on the internet I’ve been using my phone to keep track of the things I’ve wanted to put up on this blog. My phone is really great for this. Its a Sony Ericsson P900 and its got handwriting recognition on it which makes it really quick to jot things down. (It also has a full internet browser on it so technically I could just access this website from anywhere!)

I’m not sure I could recommend it to anyone though, as it has a few glitches, sometimes it can even crash, and as phone’s go, that’s bad thing – what if I want to make an emergency call? However, it is very useful when it comes to making notes. I have a collection of things on it, like lists of movies I’d like to see or books I’d like to read. I have even started writing a story on it, which it is ideal for – you never know when your going to get inspiration.

The phone is now actually pretty old (for a mobile phone) and it has already been replaced several times. The current model is the P990i, and it looks a lot like a PDA to me – which is actually what they all are, and is probably the reason I bought it!

My current thinking on phones however has changed, and I think my next phone will have emphasis on its camera – this is why I’ve been wanting the Nokia N90 for a while now. It has a really great camera which will also record high resolution movies. And it looked like a really responsive, shinny phone when I had a play with it in a Nokia shop. If I ever save up the money for it, I’ll put up a review.

Must eat now.

#Flag: “Mobile phone”, N90, P900 review